Finally getting some breathing/thinking time today (remember, Friday = Saturday in the Arab region) after an amazing, yet draining first week getting integrated into the Masdar team. Sleeping past 6am was a godsend this morning. So was finally hearing the voices of some loved ones: had the chance to do some Google Voice chatting with Lisa, Zach and Amanda who are all hanging out in Seattle without me.
Email/blogging/Twitter only do so much, so hearing and seeing them was great (and if anybody else out there wants to see my mug on Skype or GoogleChat, just holler).
In additional to finally getting some breathing, thinking and Gchat time, I also finally made a long-overdue appearance to the gym. I know nobody cares, but I had to note this, since I'm now feeling MUCH better about the fact that I've hit up that 5-star buffet downstairs like four times this week. It dangerous, trust me - 22 dessert options is trouble.
Speaking of food, that brings me to the title of this post...I'm sitting out on the patio of one of the restuarants and getting a very global (and surreal) feel: eating SE asian food, being served by a Japanese woman, listening to Arab parents yell at their kids, although while writing to my friends and fam back in the US. I love it. Oh, and should probably mention, this is all happen while Formula One race cars are practicing on the track, literally 35 feet from me. Not sure what is more annoying though, the V12 engines or the two kids across from me screaming and running around.
Next post should be a bit more exciting - I'm finally getting off the Yas Hotel island to see A.D...a friend of Alisha (my co-worker in Seattle) is coming to pick up me and Rasika to head to the beach and smoke some hookah. Can't say I've done either of those things recently. Oh and in case any grandparents or employers of mine are reading, hookah is only tobacco. Nothing illegal going on here, just harmful to my lungs.
Hope to have some pics of the beach next time I post. Adios! (still haven't learned Arabic yet...)
I was just about to ask about hookah....