Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Big Move..32 Seconds Away

This weekend was all about the big move to our permanent residence. Out with the Vegas-style, racing themed, ultra chic Yas Hotel, and in with the much more homey and comfortable Staybridge Suites only about 1/4 mile from the Yas. Moving literally consisted of throwing my stuff in a suitecase, hailing a cab, riding for 49 seconds, and walking into the lobby of our new digs.

While we're still in the neighborhood, its a whole new feeling over here. I won't be waking up to Forumla One racecars blasting outside my window and the constant feeling of being on a futuristic spaceship. Instead, I now have a fully stocked one bedroom apartment with kitchen, washer/dryer, living room, with (thank god) regular room cleaning...the whole bit really (I'll attach pics soon - camera card arriving soon). For now, here what my crib looks like, excluding the kitchen.

Two weeks at the Yas extravaganza was perfect; anymore more time there and I might've started drinking the kool-aid and ended up with a faux-hawk, sunglasses at night and a love of 33 dollar cocktails.

If anybody reading this has ever lived abroad, hopefully they too know the joy and amusement that I experienced today: grocery shopping for the first time in a new country. Of course there are plenty of western-style items from Europe, etc - but also plenty of novel and fun things to check out. Don't worry, I took a few pics and will attach soon as well. While it felt like a normal grocery for the most part, there are plenty of fun wildcards:
  • the cordonned off pork section with a sign reading "for non-Muslims only"
  • the laundry detergent specifically designed for women's burquas - hint: if you want to keep the black in your black clothes, THIS is the stuff for sure
  • a small cup of cottage cheese costs about 12 bucks or something ridiculous
  • a huge can of (i'm hoping) delicious homous is a bargain basement 1 dollar
Big Saturday eh?

Anyhow, to keep things short, the rest of life mostly consists of work on the weekdays (still incredibly challenging and worth every second of it) and hanging out with my APCO-ite pals which hail, so far, from London (x2), D.C. and in couple hours, my Seattle cleantech compadre Rob.

Will post again soon with more adventures, and I guarantee, a load of pictures.

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