Saturday, December 18, 2010
A Tip of the Cap to Sheikh Zayed, founder of Abu Dhabi
Saturday, December 4, 2010
36 Hours in Muscat: one of my new favorite places
For the FULL SLIDE SHOW click here:
Hanging on the waterfront - did I mention the people were great?
The life: hanging with the guys, sipping coffee and enjoying the Muscat night scene
The three guys are way cooler than the two in the previous pic
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving in the Desert: Photo Flash
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A second visit to Dubai: Balancing the new and old
If I remember right, the last Evan in AD post was about the adventure to Oman. Since that memorable (for better or worse) trip two weeks ago, I managed to squeeze in another trip up to Dubai. Visit #2 to Dubai was quite in different. In place of the motoracing, indoor ski slopes and world's tallest building (we actually saw the Burj Khalifa again b/c you CAN'T not see it) was a refreshing replacement of some real culture down in the older area of Dubai. We had a chance to explore the souk markets and stroll along the waterfront. Sticking with my theme of pictures being better than (my) words, I'll let the pixelated action take it from here:
Speaking of new cultures and areas of the world, any chance that I could rock this look back in Seattle? I'm thinking it could work for sure, especially if I tracked down a rainproof one...
Speaking of rain, I'll be living it up back in Seattle for the next few days, so I won't bother ya'll with any posts (I'm loving the fresh air and cool rain so far, but I doubt that'd make for an interesting blog post). So, I'll check ya on the flip side when I'm back in the heat in UAE next week.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Nightmare to 0man / Abu Dhabi Delight
While numerous, the mosques still don't fail to catch my eye everytime I pass one
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Photo Dump: Masdar City tour / Cricket match / Oman desert adventures
- our tour of Masdar City
- first cricket match between the two powers of Pakistan and South Africa
- adventures into the desert and into Oman (for a little bit - full story coming soon...)
- the Iranian souks in Abu Dhabi
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Crossing of the Cultures: Oktoberfest and Arabic Mourning
Anyhow, after eating seven varieties of cabbage and multiple pork-based delights, I rolled to the gym, turned up the speakers and began my workout. This is where the embarassment and cultural faux-paux (?) occurs...the gym attending quickly came in, turned down the speakers and told me that no music is allowed for the next seven day...why? because the Sheihk Saqr, the Ruler of neighboring emirate Ras Al Khaimah, passed away this morning. Unlike the US, where folks might be sad, and flags are flown at half staff, the entire UAE nation has entered a mourning period for the next seven days (although gov't run offices will continue work) bottom line, I learned a lesson. Thank god I was the only one in the gym at the time - otherwise I would've felt really humbled.
So, two cultural experiences this evening. One a bit ridiculous and fun; the other a lesson to remember and respect.
In hopefully happier news, a few of us are hoping to cross the border (not sure which one) this weekend for a quick 36 hour adventure. Hopefully I'll have some pics of Oman, Jordan, or somewhere else new to post by Saturday evening...stay tuned.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Weekend Update #2: Daytrip Up to Dubai
- see motorcycle and car racing live at the track (we were literally in garages and pits at the Dubai Autodrome)
- see the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa tower (it was damn high)
- get my haircut by and Indian gent (best, quickest and cheapest 'do I've found in a long while)
- saw the indoor ski "mountain" inside a mall. Wasn't sure if I should laugh, be disgusted or go join the fake fun - I'll leave it up to you.
Definitely an action-packed day, that I'm almost postive, couldn't be found anywhere else in the world. Over-the-top? Maybe. A bit hilarious? Possibly. A unique experience and something new? Definitely. So, as they say, words just don't have any shot against pictures, so I'll leave it up the magic camera to tell you all the rest of the Dubai story: